Last update: 09 2024
CATEGORY A - peer reviewed journals
Blumentritt, F., Notari, F., Caplan, C. (2024) Cabochons de labradorites avec couches minces ou épaisses, Gemmes, Association Gemmologie & Francophonie. N°4, pp 73-74.
Blumentritt, F., Notari, F., Caplan, C., Stephann, R. (2024) Chimie et spectres UV-VIS-NIR de quelques moissanites synthétiques colorées par couche de surface, Gemmes, Association Gemmologie & Francophonie. N°4, pp 74-75.
Blumentritt, F., Notari, F., Caplan, C. (2024) Rubis synthétique poreux, Gemmes, Association Gemmologie & Francophonie. N°4, pp 76-78.
Blumentritt, F., Notari, F., Caplan, C. (2024) Triplet verre/Film teinté/Quartz inclu, Gemmes, Association Gemmologie & Francophonie. N°4, pp 78-79.
Blumentritt, F., Notari, F., Becouze, M., Vigier, M., Zuber, G., Caplan, C., Fritsch, E. (2024). Gem-quality Green Cryptocrystalline Muscovite (Fuchsite) from Ya'an Prefecture, Sichuan, China. Journal of Gemmology, 39(1), pp 66-76.
Blumentritt, F., Notari, F., Géraud, A., Stephann, R., Caplan, C. (2024). Un diamant synthétique incolore de Ø 0,50 mm dans un lot de mêlés. Gemmes, 4, pp. 73-74.
Blumentritt, F., Allirol-Mouton, C., Caplan, C., Notari, F., Zanettin Barbin, F., Notari, T. (2024). Béryl vert de 90.4 carats. Gemmes, 3(1), pp. 62.
Blumentritt, F., Allirol-Mouton, C., Caplan, C., Notari, F., Zanettin Barbin, F., Notari, T. (2024). Sautoir en Corallium japonicum. Gemmes, 3(1), pp. 62.
Blumentritt, F., Allirol-Mouton, C., Caplan, C., Notari, F., Zanettin Barbin, F., Notari, T. (2024). Inclusion de grenat pyrope-almandin orange dans un diamant. Gemmes, 3(1), pp. 63.
Blumentritt, F., Notari, F., Caplan, C. (2024). Properties and colouration of orange hackmanite from Afghanistan. The Journal of Gemmologie, 39(2), pp. 160-170.
Notari, F., Blumentritt, F., Srinaka, Y., Saenkuntha, N. (2023) Une remarquable tourmaline elbaïte non cuprifère. Gemmes, Association Gemmologie & Francophonie. N°2, pp 42-45.
Blumentritt, F., Notari, F. (2023) Un exceptionnel zircon photochrome de 9.89 carats. Gemmes, Association Gemmologie & Francophonie. N°1, pp 15-17.
Blumentritt, F., Fritsch, E., Stephant, N., Karampelas, S., Delaunay, A., Caplan, C., Notari, F. (2023) A New Reconstructed Turquoise Imitation Composed of Turquoise Powder with a PMMA (Acrylic) Binder. J. Gemm, 38(5), pp 443-446.
Blumentritt, F., Caplan, C., Notari, F. (2022). Inclusions triphasées de CO₂, soufre et orpiment (As₂S₃) dans un saphir. Revue de Gemmologie AFG, 218(6), pp.
Blumentritt, F., Caplan, C., Fritsch, E., Notari, F., (2022). Cinnabar Inclusions in Ethiopian Opal, J. Gemm., Vol. 38, N° 3, pp 217-219
Hainschwang, T., Notari, F., Pamies, G. (2020), An in-depth study and classification of brown diamonds, Part I: Brown diamonds with -deformation-related colour, Minerals, MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, 27 p., submitted.
Hainschwang, T., Notari, F., Pamies, G. (2020), An in-depth study and classification of brown diamonds, Part II: Brown diamonds with non-deformation-related colour, Minerals, MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, 30 p., submitted.
Notari, F., Fritsch, E., Caplan, C., Hainschwang, T., (2018), “Boehmite Needles” in Corundum Are Rose Channels, Gems & Gemology, Vol. 54, No. 3, p 257.
Cassette, P., Notari, F., Lépy, M.-C., Caplan, C., Pierre, S., Hainschwang, T., Fritsch, E. (2017) Residual radioactivity of treated green diamonds. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Vol. 126, pp. 66 - 72.
Hainschwang, T., Fritsch, E., Notari, F., Rondeau, B., Katrusha, A. (2013) The origin of color in natural C center bearing diamonds. Diamond and Related Materials, Vol. 39, pp. 27 - 40.
Hainschwang, T., Karampelas, S., Fritsch, E., Notari, F. (2013) Luminescence spectroscopy and microscopy applied to study gem materials: a case study of C centre containing diamonds. Mineralogy and Petrology: Luminescence special issue, Vol. 107, N°3, pp. 393 - 413.
Hainschwang, T., Fritsch, E., Massi, L., Rondeau, B., Notari, F. (2012) The C center isolated nitrogen-related infrared absorption at 2688 cm-1: perfect harmony in diamond. Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, Vol. 79, No. 5, pp. 749 - 754.
Hainschwang, T. , Fritsch, E., Notari, F., Rondeau, B. (2012) A new defect center in type Ib diamond inducing one phonon infrared absorption: The Y center. Diamond and Related Materials, Vol. 21, pp. 120 - 126.
Hainschwang, T., Notari, F., Massi, L., Armbruster, T., Rondeau, B., Nagashima, M. (2010) Hibonite: A New Gem Material. Gems & Gemology Vol 46, No. 2, pp. 135 - 138.
Hainschwang, T., Respinger, A., Notari, F., Hartmann, H. J., Günthard, C. (2009) A comparison of diamonds irradiated by high fluence neutrons or electrons, before and after annealing. Diamond and Related Materials, Vol. 18, No. 10, pp. 1223 - 1234.
Fritsch, E., Notari, F., Grobon Caplan, C., Hainschwang, T. (2010) Letter to the Editor: More on the fluorescence cage. Gems & Gemology, Vol 45, No. 4, pp. 235.
Devouard, B., Notari, F., (2009) The identification of faceted gemstones: From the naked eye to laboratory techniques, Elements, Vol. 5, pp. 163 - 168.
Hainschwang, T., Respinger, A., Notari, F., Hartmann, H. J., Günthard, C. (2009). A comparison of diamonds irradiated by high fluence neutrons or electrons, before and after annealing. Diamond and Related Materials, Vol. 18, No. 10, pp. 1223 - 1234.
Gaillou, E., Fritsch, E., Notari, F. (2008) Photoinduced H1b and H1c centers in some natural treated diamonds, Diamond and Related Materials 17, pp. 2029 - 2036.
Hainschwang, T. , Notari, F., Fritsch, E., Massi, L., Rondeau, B., Breeding, M., Vollstaedt, H. (2008) HPHT treatment of CO2 containing and CO 2 – related brown diamonds. Diamond and Related Materials, Volume 17, No. 3, March 2008, pp. 340 - 351.
Hainschwang, T., Notari, F., Anckar, B. (2007) Trapiche Tourmaline from Zambia. Gems&Gemology, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 36 - 46.
Fritsch, E., Rondeau, B., Notari, F., (2006) Cleavage resistance of plastically deformed natural diamond revealed by dissolved planar features. Diamond and related Materials, Vol. 15, pp. 1310 - 1313.
Hainschwang, T., Notari, F. (2006) The Cause of Iridescence in “Rainbow" Andradite from Nara, Japan. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 42, No 4, pp. 248 - 258.
Hainschwang, T., Notari, F., Fritsch, E., Massi, L. (2006) Natural, untreated diamonds showing the A, B and C infrared absorptions („ABC diamonds”), and the H2 absorption. Diamond and Related Materials, Vol. 15, No. 10, pp. 1555 - 1564.
Massi, L., Fritsch, E., Collins, A.T., Hainschwang, T., Notari, F., (2005) The "amber centres" and their relation to the brown color in diamond. Diamond and Related Materials, Vol. 14, pp. 1623-1629.
Hainschwang, T., Notari, F. (2005) A large greenish yellow grossular from Africa. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 41, No. 4, pp. 352 - 353.
Rondeau, B., Fritsch, E., Guiraud, M., Chalain, J.-P., Notari, F. (2004) Three historical "asteriated" hydrogen-rich diamonds: Growth history and sector-dependent impurity incorporation. Diamond and Related Materials, Vol. 13, N° 9, pp. 1658 - 1673.
Hainschwang, T., Notari, F. (2004) An untreated type Ib diamond exhibiting green transmission luminescence and H2 absorption. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 252 - 254.
Hainschwang, T., Notari, F. (2004) A natural Diamond with very high nickel content. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 334 - 336.
Notari, F., Caplan, C., Hainschwang, T., Nacht, C. (2022) Les substances de remplissage des émeraudes. In Emeraudes, tout un monde. G. Giuliani Ed. - Editions du Piat, Paris. pp 295-302 (livre)
Hainschwang, T., Notari, F. (2022) L'analyse gemmologique de l'émeraude. In Emeraudes, tout un monde. G. Giuliani Ed. - Editions du Piat, Paris. pp 273-282 (livre)
Notari, F. (2018), Rubies: The "Glowing coal" among Burmese gems, in Mogok The Valley of Gemstones. K. Ho Editor - Editions Glénat, Paris. pp 92-119. (Livre)
Caplan, C., Notari, F. (2016) A Lalique Quartz pendant, In Polarized Light. The Journal of Gemmology, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 13 - 15.
Hainschwang, T., Notari, F. (2016) Uncovering Mines and the Beauty of the Mogok Region in Myanmar. InColor, Summer, pp. 32 - 43.
Hainschwang, T., Notari, F. (2016) Die Herausforderung des effizienten und präzisen Screenings von Melee Diamanten. Teil 2.: „Farbige “ Melee Diamanten. Gold’Or No. 7/16.
Hainschwang, T., Notari, F. (2016) Die Herausforderung des effizienten und präzisen Screenings von Melee Diamanten. Teil 1.: „Farblose (D-Z)“ Melee Diamanten. Gold’Or No. 5/16.
Hainschwang, T., Notari, F. (2015) Der erste farblose CVD synthetische Diamant entdeckt in einem Lot natürlicher Melee Diamanten. Gold’Or No. 5/15.
Hainschwang, T., Notari, F. (2015) Standards and Protocols for Emerald Analysis in Gem Testing Laboratories. InColor, World Emerald Update Special Edition.
Hainschwang, T., Notari, F., Caplan, C. (2015) The Aurora Collection: An Excursion into the World of Fancy Color Diamonds. InColor, No. 29, pp. 30 - 35.
Hainschwang, T., Notari, F., Caplan, C. (2015) Die Aurora Collection: Die Analyse einer wirklich aussergewöhnlichen Farbdiamantsammlung. Gold’Or No. 8/15.
Caplan, C., Notari, F. (2015) Sous l’œil du gemmologue. Analyse de sept objets du trésor. L'Abbaye de Saint-Maurice d’Agaune 515-2015, Vol. 2: Le Trésor, pp. 415 - 423.
Hainschwang, T., Notari, F. (2015) The First Undisclosed Colourless CVD Synthetic Diamond Discovered in a Parcel of Natural Melee-Sized Diamonds. Journal of Gemmology, Vol. 34, No. 6, pp. 518 - 522.
Hainschwang, T., Notari, F. (2015) Der erste farblose CVD synthetische Diamant entdeckt in einem Lot natürlicher Melee Diamanten. Gold’Or No. 5/15.
Fritsch, E., Notari, F. (2015) Etude du remplissage de deux garnitures de ceinture, in Donation Janet Zakos - De Rome à Byzance, M. Martiniani-Reber ed., Milan, pp. 195 - 198.
Caplan, C., Hainschwang, T., Notari, F. (2015) New Large Black Synthetic Moissanite as a Black Diamond Imitation. The Journal of Gemmology, Vol. 34, No. 5, pp. 399 - 401.
Disner, E., Notari, F. (2015) Gastropod Shell Beads Disguised in a Coral Necklace, The Journal of Gemmology Vol. 34, No. 7, pp. 572 - 574.
Notari, F., Hainschwang, T. (2014) Issues with Treated and Natural Green to Greenish Blue Diamonds. The Gemguide.
Hainschwang, T., Notari, F. (2014) Realität, Mythos und Kuriositäten rund um CVD synthetische Diamanten. Gold’Or No. 3/14.
Hainschwang, T., Notari, F., Fritsch, E., Karampelas, S. (2013) Luminescence Techniques and Their Importance in Gem Testing. The Gemguide.
Hainschwang, T., Notari, F. (2013) Mehr Maxixe-Typ Berylle mit instabiler Farbe im Markt / Plus de béryl bleu instable „type Maxixe“ sur le marché. Gold’Or No. 9/13.
Hainschwang, T., Notari, F. (2012) Zoisite - More than just Tanzanite. InColor, Spring, pp. 44 - 49.
Hainschwang, T., Notari, F. (2012) Melee-Sized Synthetic Diamonds: A Major Challenge for the Market and for Gem Testing Laboratories. The GemGuide, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 1 - 15.
Hainschwang, T., Notari, F. (2012) Synthetischer Diamant: Ein kurzes Update. Gold’Or 9/12, pp. 62 - 63.
Hainschwang, T., Notari, F. (2011) Weitere Neuheiten über synthetische Melee-Diamanten. Gold’Or 8/11.
Hainschwang, T., Notari, F. (2011) Synthetischer Diamant: ein "Dornröschen"- Problem wird aktuell. Gold’Or 2/11.
Karampelas, S., Fritsch, E., Notari, F. (2008) Update on natural pearls of Veneridae family, Gems and Gemology, vol. 44, N°4, pp. 374 - 375.
Hainschwang, T., Notari, F. (2008) Specular reflectance infrared spectroscopy – A review and update of a little exploited method for gem identification. Journal of Gemmology, Vol. 21, No. 1-2, pp. 23 - 29.
Hainschwang, T., Notari, F. (2004) A natural diamond with very high Ni content, in Gem News International, Gems and Gemology, vol. 40, N°4, pp. 334 - 336.
Fritsch, E., Notari, F., Respinger, A., Grobon Caplan, C. (2004) An exceptional chameleon diamond, in In the kingdom of diamonds, H. Bari ed., National Natural History Museum, Doha, Qatar, pp. 30 - 34.
Fritsch, E., Notari, F., Grobon, C., Respinger, A. (2004) An exceptional chameleon diamond. In the Kingdom Of Diamonds Part II, The Chameleon Diamond an exceptional stone. pp 30-34
Rondeau, B., Notari, F., Giuliani, G., Michelou, J-C., Martins, S., Fritsch, E., Respinger, A. (2003) La Mine De Piteiras, Minas Gerais, nouvelle source d'émeraude de belle qualité au Brésil, Revue de Gemmologie AFG, N° 148, pp. 9 - 25.
Notari, F., Fritsch, E., Grobon Caplan, C. (2003) La fluorescence - Une aide précieuse pour l'identification des corindons jaunes à oranges, traités par diffusion de béryllium, Revue de Gemmologie AFG, N° 148, pp. 40 - 43.
Fritsch, E., Chalain, J.-P., Hänni, H., Devouard, B., Chazot, G., Giuliani, G., Schwarz, D., Rollion-Bard, C., Garnier, V., Barda, S., Ohnenstetter, D., Notari, F., Maitrallet, P. (2003) Le nouveau traitement produisant des couleurs orange à jaune dans les saphirs, Revue de Gemmologie AFG, N° 147, pp. 11 - 23.
Notari, F., Grobon Caplan, C., (2003) Spectrométrie de fluorescence du chrome dans les spinelles, Revue de Gemmologie AFG, N° 147, pp. 24 - 30.
Fritsch, E., Notari, F., Grobon Caplan, C., (2003) UV fluorescence may be an efficient way to identify Be-diffused corundum, Jewellery News Asia N° 229, pp. 80 - 84.
Notari, F., Grobon Caplan, C., Fritsch, E. (2002) Observation des émeraudes traitées en luminescence U-VISIO: Quelle mention attribuer aux émeraudes après suppression des résines synthétiques de leurs fissures? , Revue de Gemmologie AFG, N° 144, pp. 27 - 31.
Fritsch, E., Rondeau, B., Notari, F., Michelou, J.-C., Devouard, B., Peucat, J.-J., Chalain, J.-P., Lulzac, Y., De Narvaez, D., Arboleda, C. (2002) Les nouvelles mines d'émeraude de La Pita (Colombie), 2ème partie, Revue de Gemmologie AFG, N° 144, pp. 13 - 21.
Notari, F. (2002) Traitement du diamant noir par graphitation "Interne", Revue de Gemmologie AFG, N° 145 / 146, pp. 42 - 59.
Notari, F. (2002) Les diamants incolores de bijouterie, in "Les Diamants, du cœur de la terre au cœur du pouvoir", Dossier Pour la Science, Hors-série avril-juin, pp. 92-104.
Notari, F. (2002) La gemmologie du corindon, in "Corindon et Spinelle", Cesbron, F., Le Cléac'h, J.-M., Lebrun, P., Notari, F., Grobon Caplan, C., Minéraux et Fossiles, Hors-série N° 13, Octobre, pp. 48 - 56.
Grobon Caplan, C. (2002), La gemmologie du spinelle, in "Corindon et Spinelle", Cesbron, F., Le Cléac'h, J.-M., Lebrun, P., Notari, F., Grobon, C., Minéraux et Fossiles, Hors-série N° 13, Octobre, pp. 56 - 59.
Notari, F., Boillat, P.-Y., Grobon Caplan, C. (2001) La Tanzanite (b Zoïsite): La détection du traitement thermique, Revue de Gemmologie AFG, N° 141/142, pp. 34 - 36.
Notari, F., Boillat, P.-Y., Grobon Caplan, C. (2001) Quartz a SiO2: Discrimination des améthystes et des citrines naturelles et synthétiques, Revue de Gemmologie AFG, N° 141/142, pp. 75 - 80.
Boillat, P.-Y., Notari, F., Grobon Caplan, C. (2001) Luminescence sous excitation visible des diamants noirs irradiés: Les luminescences d'arêtes, Revue de Gemmologie AFG, N° 141/142, pp. 37 - 41.
Notari, F., Boillat, P.-Y., Grobon Caplan, C. (2000) L'euclase bleu-verte de Colombie, Revue de Gemmologie AFG, N° 140, pp. 18 - 20.
Fritsch, E., Maitrallet, P., Hémond, G., Lasnier, B., Notari, F., Froyer, G., Louarn, G. (1999) Première caractérisation du permasafe, nouveau matériau de remplissage des fractures utilisé pour les émeraudes, Revue de Gemmologie AFG, N° 136, pp. 44 - 45.
Giuliani, G., France-Lanord, C., Coget, P., Schwarz, D., Notari, F., Cheilletz, A., Chaussidon, M., Giard, D., Piat, D., Bariand, P. (1998) Vers une carte d'identité isotopique 18O/16O des émeraudes naturelles et synthétiques, Revue de Gemmologie AFG, N° 134/135, pp. 55 - 69.
Notari, F. (1997) Le Saphir Padparadscha, Revue de Gemmologie AFG, N° 132, pp. 24 -27.
Notari, F. (1996) Le Saphir Padparadscha, Mémoire de D.U.G., Université de Nantes, France, 96 p.